It’s almost a year now that I have come across Swa-Darshana – An appointment with your Own Self and had taken my very First Healing Session which took a big “U Turn” of my Life and it changed for a betterment & forever and I am very glad that I took a decision about coming and meeting Manishsir , came to know that I have some personal issues and as a result I was not able to concentrate in the professional area also and was completely out of focus, I was completely shattered and devastated as I was emotionally broken badly and I was just thinking to end my life but then suddenly an idea so bright and beautiful stroke my mind that I need to go and approach an expert advice and so I was at Swa-Darshana for very few sessions and there I met my own self, which was a very unforgettable experience ever and this session of mine changed my life, bcz at this point it was a question of my life and death. The First Healing Session which I took was amazing and fabulous and Manishsir guided me throughout my session and all the next ones.
The Healing Session, the name itself soothes you from all the negative thoughts and vibes, If you want to be happy in this world, you need to be happy first, this is the main “FUNDA OF LIFE”, bcoz if you are not happy, you can’t make the world around you happier. So let’s be happy first and the world will smile at you too. I am so glad I am one of the “ Swa-Darshak ”.
Thank you Manishsir, Thank you Swa-Darshana . Thank you for giving me my Life and my smile back :)